Centers and Institutes

The University of Miami hosts a wide spectrum of centers and institutes that research, investigate, and explore areas of study and initiatives aimed at solving some of the world’s most perplexing societal problems and health issues. These centers and institutes play an important role in the University’s interdisciplinary research, education, and teaching service.


Office of Civic and Community Engagement


Fosters university-community collaboration by engaging the university’s academic resources in the enrichment of civic and community life in our local, national, and global communities.

Center for the Humanities

Arts & Sciences

Providing mutual understanding among groups and cultures, supporting research in the humanities, and enriching the intellectual culture of the University and community

Institute for Data Science and Computing

Frost Institutes

Catalyzing data-intensive research across the University of Miami focused on the needs of the region and enhancing data science understanding among students and the public

University Laboratory for Integrative Knowledge

Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship

Supports teams of scholars from multiple disciplines in collaborative, problem-based inquiry to address the complex challenges of society

Center for HIV and Research in Mental Health (CHARM)

Offers the expertise, infrastructure and resources necessary to address and strengthen mental health-related HIV prevention and care research at the University and reduces the impact of mental health disparities as barriers to behavioral and bio-behavioral approaches in HIV prevention and care.

Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas

Brings together relevant scholarship, furthers policy dialogue, and builds strategic knowledge partnerships to address challenges faced by the Americas in the 21st century.

Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies

An educational link between the University, the Cuban exile community, and the South Florida community at-large, ICCAS serves as the center of academic work, research and discussion on Cuban and Cuban-American topics.


