Signup for a Listserv

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The Office of the Vice Provost for Research maintains several e-mail distribution lists (listservs) for the University community. You can send messages to the lists by clicking on the links below.

If you would like to join any of the listservs, you can search for them on, or email You can unsubscribe from listservs at any time. 

If you have an event you'd like to promote through our listservs, please review our guide to submitting events to ensure that they are included in our weekly round-up of events and on the research and scholarship events calendar. 

The community listservs divided by subject area are where to send invitations to events on a specific topic, or if you'd like to ask colleagues for a specific resource. These lists are unmoderated: any member of the list can send to the list. 


The RESEARCH-MEDICAL listserv is used for formal communications from Medical and Research leadership. If you have an event or announcement you would like to send to this list, it will go to a moderation queue before it is released. You can also email to submit items for this list. 


The RESEARCH-ALL listserv includes all members of the other listservs. If you sign up for a community listserv or the RESEARCH-MEDICAL listserv, you're signed up for occasional emails to the entire research community via RESEARCH-ALL.  If you have an event or announcement you would like to send to this list, it will go to a moderation queue before it is released. You can also email to submit items for this list. 

Our Listserv Offerings

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