Getting Started

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship offers a range of resources and support for the research community at the University of Miami. The resources below are meant to help you strategically plan, fund, collaborate on, and scale your research and scholarly agenda.

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The Research Compass is a dynamic tool designed to guide researchers to crucial resources at the University of Miami. 
Research Navigator Services offer support designed to assist faculty in navigating the research enterprise at the University of Miami. 

The Research Lifecycle walks scholars through the steps of conducting research at the University of Miami—from how to get started to sharing work with the public.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, non-proprietary, transparent, mobile, and community-based. 

For undergraduate and graduate students interested in or engaging in research and scholarship, the university offers several communities of support, training, and resources. 
Since postdocs are important to the research and scholarship at the University of Miami, many scholarly resources are available, including funding and professional development.  