Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What happened to the approved studies?
  • All active approved protocols were moved to the new IACUC system on Oct 1st, 2023.
  • Essential information for approved studies, such as PI, key demographic data, study team members, and animal numbers, was migrated.
  • Long Forms and amendments were migrated as PDFs into the new system. 
2. What should I do if I have a Triennial Review after the new system is in use?
  • During the Triennial review, you'll need to update your study using the new system. No changes are required until then.
  • The IACUC team will provide personalized assistance to help you update your study using the new system.
3. How can I get support?
  • Reach out via email to to schedule a 1:1 meeting at a time convenient for you, and we'll be happy to help.
  • We also offer live Zoom support to address general inquiries about navigating the new IACUC System:

Tuesdays 11:00 AM Zoom Link
Wednesdays 11:00 AM Zoom Link
Fridays 11:00 AM Zoom Link


4. What about amendments?
  • Case 1:

If your amendments involve adjusting protocol team members, approved animal counts/quota, study funding sources, or approved housing and use locations, use the Amendment feature in the new IACUC system for these changes.

  • Case 2:
For significant scientific amendments that alter experimental details (e.g., new procedures), you can use the current UM IACUC addendum form. Attach it to the new online IACUC system.


For a more detailed explanation to these questions, please refer to the recorded Zoom training sessions (in case you missed them).