Patient Contact Lists & Other Common Requests

For requests other than those listed below, please submit a Data Broker Services (Clinical) Request form under “Employee Center” – “Data Extract or Reports” available on the UHealth IT Service Now Portal Catalog Filters. For more information, visit this page.

Patient Contact Lists

Patient contact lists can be requested for outreach purposes. These can include physician departure letters, newsletters, educational material, community outreach, etc. For these type of data requests, please submit a Data Broker Services (Clinical) Request form under “Employee Center” – “Data Extract or Reports” available on the UHealth IT Service Now Portal Catalog Filters. For more information, visit this page. Please include the following information: 

  • Please briefly explain the reason for the request (patient outreach - departure letter, newsletter, educational material, etc.)
  • Please list the inclusion/exclusion criteria to select the appropriate population
    • Criteria could include provider, date of service range, service location, etc.
  • Please list the fields/columns to include in the contact list  

Please note that prior to any patient contact information being released, all outreach materials need to be sent to, reviewed, & approved by the Privacy Office to ensure patient privacy.

Access to Epic Cubes for Hospital Billing/Professional Billing

  • Provide the name and e-mail of each individual requiring access as well as
  • Specify cubes/environments for which is being requested
  • Why the access is needed. This provides documentation of the role/function and need for the access.
  • Have a supervisor or other individual in group leadership (if not the requester) send an e-mail approving the access. This “supervisor” not only authorizes the request but is also responsible for notifying UHealth IT if that individual no longer has a job-related need for access.

Case Logs for Provider / Department Credentialing

  • Provide the reason for the request
  • Please provide the filters/criteria for the request (i.e. provider name & NPI, CPT procedure codes, date of service range, provider location, etc.)
  • What fields to include in the output file (i.e. provider location, CPT procedure codes, units, date of service, etc.)

Workbench Data Reviews

If data needs to be either stored or moved from a Secure Workbench (secure, restricted environment inclusive of data analytic tools, provided by CTSI Informatics):

  • Please briefly describe the details of this project including the need for PHI or other sensitive data.
  • If for research, provide the related eProst study number.
  • Have a project lead (or another administrator within the area) send an e-mail stating their approval of this project.
  • Provide a Variable Dictionary, spreadsheet, list, etc. of all variables included in the data file. If easier please provide the actual location (i.e., which secure workbench holds the data).
  • List the individuals who will be receiving the data as well the reason for their need for PHI or other sensitive data. Also include how the data should be transmitted to those individuals.

Dashboard Publications

For dashboard / report (e.g., Power BI) publication or to share with other individuals:

  • Briefly describe the purpose of the dashboard. If PHI or other sensitive data is included, provide the reason for inclusion.
  • Have a project lead (or another administrator within the business unit) send an e-mail stating their approval of the dashboard and that it will be the responsibility of the business unit to notify IT when individuals no longer require access to the dashboard.
  • Provide a Variable Dictionary, spreadsheet, list, etc. of all variables included in the data dashboard. If easier please share the dashboard for review.
  • List the individuals who will be receiving access to the dashboard as well as the access type (i.e., view-only, ability to share, download and/or print,etc.).
  • Here are some guidelines to follow when publishing dashboards:
    • Only share with authorized individuals
    • Ensure that dashboard settings are set appropriately (i.e., end user cannot edit). Some common settings to be mindful of include printing, sharing, exporting abilities.
    • Individuals who no longer need access to the dashboard should have their access disabled/removed. Inform UHealth IT ( if individuals authorized, have left, transferred or otherwise have no further need of the dashboard.